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HemoSavin Pharma

Revolutionizing Hemophilia.

We are launching the first Indo-US AYUSH drug, which brings ancient knowledge into the modern era as a standardized and rigorously tested medicine at the University of Michigan in the US.

Our Mission

No Child Left Bleeding in The World

Clinically Significant Full Correction Blood Loss Reduction in HA Mice by oral administration at 6mg/mouse

Significant Improvement in Clotting Parameters for Hemophilia A (HA), Mouse Dog, Human plasma and ex-vivo Human Blood Studies

Full Correction in Blood Loss1
Reduction in Clotting Time (aPTT) in Humans2
Reduction in Clotting Time (aPTT) in Dogs3
Decrease in Whole Blood Coagulation Time4

1. Tail-clip studies done in oral in-vivo Hemophilia A mouse model 2. In-vivo Hemophilia A human plasma 3. In-vivo Hemophilia A canine plasma 4. Patient side ex-vivo human Hemophilia A blood

Hemophilia A is a $12.5B/yr Problem Globally (US$59M UAE)

Current solutions are far from perfect and better therapies are needed

$4B/yr in the US and $4B/yr in Japan
Caused by deficiency of Factor VIII, a critical clotting protein
Patients bleed more than normal from injuries or spontaneously in severe cases
Cause of early death! Can reduce life expectancy by 6-10 years
Hands holding up a heart

Meet our team

The core and advisory team has expertise across the entire development roadmap

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Contact Us


Fort Collins, CO 80258

+1 (541) 740-6226